I am excited to announce the launch of my book on blogging titled BLOGTASTIC! Growing and Making a Difference Through Blogging It’s been 2775 days since I started blogging and this is blog post number 1805. It does seem like a long journey now that I think about it. However, I can tell you that… Continue reading
Post Category → Work
On problem solving – Interview with Kristin Merz
I recently sat down with Kristin Neperud Merz to talk with her about her new book “Unscribbling: the art of problem solving and fulfilling your desires” to find out how entrepreneurs and visionaries can best incorporate some of Unscribblings teachings. What follows is our Q&A discussion. Rajesh: Your book lays out a problem solving technique… Continue reading
The Best Feedback for a First-time Entrepreneur
First-time entrepreneurs are at a perennial disadvantage. If you are one, you know what the feeling is. There is no guarantee to you or to anyone around you that your project WILL take off. It’s the height of uncertainty. Since they are not “proven” yet, not many people around them want to actively support them… Continue reading
What’s wrong with waiting for an opportunity?
There is a saying – “Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.” It is a wise saying but some people stretch it to the opposite end to endlessly wait for that “right” opportunity before they jump in. Honestly, what’s wrong with waiting for an opportunity? if you think about it, not everything that comes… Continue reading
When in Rome, Do as Romans Do | The Facebook Experiment
I am all about experiments. Most of my experiments fall flat on my face resetting my ego and sometimes fixing my self-esteem too. Sometimes the experiment works. This was one of those times that it worked. I am sharing it in the hopes that some of you will take advantage of the learnings from here…. Continue reading
You should take a quick look at this…
Yes, that’s how some emails arrive in your Inbox screaming that you should take a look at what they sent you quickly. In fact, some of them have action items for you. You may not have the time to carry out those action items but that’s none of the concerns of the senders. The problem?… Continue reading
How to sell more
Before you look for the next crafty sales tip, let me set the expectation that this blog post has no such tips or tricks. Instead, here is a two step approach to consider: First, create a product that others want to buy more AND Second, craft a story that will help you reach those people… Continue reading
15 Business Lessons from Irwin Federman
One of the benefits of being an ACG member is the opportunity to meet and listen to amazing people. Recently, I had an opportunity to meet and listen to Irwin Federman, General Partner at US Venture Partners. The talk was awesome and I am so glad, I had my notebook with me to capture many… Continue reading
How to walk away from not-so-good people in your life
Would your life be better if you were able to walk away from all the not-so-good people in your life? I have asked this question to many people and the answer is mostly, “Yes.” It seems like a rhetorical question. That seems to be the quest for many people and probably you too – to… Continue reading
7 ways you may be exposing your insecurities
Everyone is insecure on something or the other. The biggest insecurity is whether they will effectively bridge the delta between how you portray “who you are” to the world and “who you really are.” There are many ways you might clothe your insecurities. Here are a few of them: 1. You intimidate others: Intimidation will… Continue reading