“Imagination is more important than Knowledge” – Albert Einstein Stephen Covey in his book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” said everything happens twice – once in your mind and once in reality. It is easy to follow than to imagine. But anything… Continue reading
Post Category → Distinguish
Ways to distingish yourself – #49 WAG
WAG is an acronym I coined and it stands for “Watch your Attention-Getters” People draw attention for several things. The easiest (but not desirable) ways to get attention is by complaining and/or whining. When was the last time you liked someone who was a complainer and/or a whiner? I bet your answer is “Never” Typically… Continue reading
Ways to distingish yourself – #48 Handle criticism with grace
Most people can’t handle criticism well. In fact, if you criticize someone on a topic, some of the most common reactions from that person will be: * to defend strongly and say that you are wrong in criticizing them * to attack you for one of your related or unrelated fault * to ignore and… Continue reading
Ways to distingish yourself – #47 Simplify
It’s unbelievable how much clutter there is in life and in business. Entrepreneurs know this very well – they look at something that is complex and try to offer a new way of doing something that is more simple. Historically we have seen that the marketplace rewards someone who makes things simple. Any remarkable invention… Continue reading
Ways to distinguish yourself – #46 Manage your monkeys
Not literally, of course! Authors William Oncken, Jr. and Donald L. Wass wrote an article in HBR titled “Who’s Got the Monkey” and interestingly after 30 years, it’s still extremely relevant today. Monkey management is mostly useful to managers but all of us can learn something out of it. So, here it is: Monkey management… Continue reading
Ways to distingish yourself – #45 Increase your rate of learning
Think about the amount of investment you made on yourself in the last twelve months. Imagine if you double that investment in the next 12 months. Would that make a difference in your life? You bet it would! It is important that we consciously increase our rate of learning. This is especially important when you… Continue reading
Ways to distingish yourself – #44 Connect your projects
I have said this before and I have also said this in my book and none of us can escape from this – we are always in the middle of two or more projects in our life. I say two or more as there will be at least one project from your work and there… Continue reading
Ways to distingish yourself – #43 Show discipline on small things
When the project is bigger, everyone knows the need for getting things in the right order. The output is polished and the presentation is impeccable. The size of the project that you are working on makes a big difference on how much effort you put into packaging the materials for the project. It can be… Continue reading
Ways to distinguish yourself – #42 Maintain visiblity
Many people have a notion that if they keep doing good work they will be recognized and rewarded. It MAY happen but it is not an entitlement. In fact it is an ideal scenario. If it happens it just shows that you have a “super human” as your boss 🙂 I first met Michael Weismann… Continue reading
Ways to distinguish yourself – #41 Selectively forget things
During a recent lunch meeting, Ashwin Rangan, CIO of Walmart.com talked about this concept. So, credit goes to Ashwin. One of the key things in life is to “selectively forget” things. There are so many things that happen to us during the course of our lifetime. I always say “either we win or we learn”… Continue reading