Yesterday, I was at a group meeting of one of the mastermind groups that I am a part of. We were discussing a lot of things and the topic moved towards the works of Deepak Chopra. My friend Mukundan recounted watching Deepak Chopra’s interview with Larry King. I believe one of the questions was “How… Continue reading
Post Category → Distinguish
Ways to distinguish yourself – #89 Avoid the SEABE trap!
SEABE stands for “SEArching for the Best Excuse.” A few years ago, there was a member in our team (we will call him “Joe”) who was an expert in SEABE. When the boss asked him to do something more than what he was doing, he would immediately come up with an excuse as to why… Continue reading
Ways to distinguish yourself – #88 Close the loop
I talked earlier about focusing on the last mile. This is in some ways similar to that concept. But please read on. Let me set the context first:In any organization, the top leader is the ultimate context switcher in action. He or she has no option but to be able to switch contexts in a… Continue reading
Ways to distinguish yourself – #87 Manage your filters well
Whether we want to accept it or not, we all operate with several filters. When someone at work says something, there’s a filter right there telling you to what extent you should believe what you are hearing. When you read a book from a known author, there is a filter there providing a bias about… Continue reading
Ways to distinguish yourself – #86 Spread your payback horizons
Payback horizon is the amount of time that has to elapse before you see a return on your investment. When you open a CD (Certificate of Deposit) in a bank, they make two things very clear* what is the return* when will you get that return So this is one of the few cases where… Continue reading
Ways to distinguish yourself – #85 Bring the right puzzle pieces into the game
Earlier, I talked about the need for you to gather the right puzzle pieces. I am building on the same concept but looking at it from another angle. Take three people that are important in your life. Imagine each one of them trying to solve a jig-saw puzzle. Let’s say one of them is creating… Continue reading
Ways to distinguish yourself – #84 Stretch payback cycles
Payback cycle in simple terms is the duration over which a particular project continues to yield results. The question for you is: What is the payback cycle on your projects today – personal and business? The work pressures of today won’t let you think about stretching the payback cycles. Everyone wants the fastest payback and… Continue reading
Ways to distinguish yourself – #83 Be comfortable being alone
OK I talked about building long-term relationships before. Here is one way to accelerate it. You will see that it gets easier to build long-term relationships when you are comfortable being all alone. I read about this first in one of my favorite books “Passion, Profit and Power” by Marshall Sylver. Sylver asks the readers… Continue reading
Ways to distinguish yourself – #82 Connect the unknown to the known
I first heard this from Tony Robbins at a seminar. Paraphrasing him, “All learning is basically connecting the unknown to the known.” I have learnt a lot from that one statement and I have used it many times. If you observe carefully, powerful communicators use analogies to make their points. Consider the following paragraphs #1…. Continue reading
Ways to distinguish yourself – #81 Develop cultural sensitivity
We have been saying for a long time that the web is breaking the borders and making it seamless for people to collaborate globally. Whether we want it or not – globalization is here to stay. If you can’t beat it, best is to make the most out of it. Developing cultural sensitivity is no… Continue reading