What can a multiplayer pinball game teach about teamwork? A lot. Over the weekend I was at The Tech with Sumukh and saw this multiplayer pinball game. The objective of the game is to get their ball to the final destination.It was a game to watch as the kids were battling to win. While every… Continue reading
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11 Insights from Steve Jobs
This is a collection of insights from legendary Steve Jobs (collected from all over the web – his writings, interviews etc.) #1. I was worth about over a million dollars when I was 23 and over 10 million dollars when I was 24, and over a hundred million dollars when I was 25 and it… Continue reading
You (don't) have more power than you think
Before social media was common, the bar to get published was higher. You had to get “blessed” by so many people to make the cut. Today, that “bar to get published” is almost invisible. There is nothing that will prevent you from publishing your thoughts to the world. Not money, not time, not even lack… Continue reading
Upbeat Video Intro – Interviewed by Mike Stelzner
My new book “Upbeat” is still a couple of months away but a lot is happening behind the scenes in preparation for the book release. I am excited about it for many reasons the number #1 reason being the timing. My belief is that it’s all in the perspective with which we look at things:… Continue reading
One more reason why a "Personal Brand" is all the more important now…
Let us look at the incidents in the last sixty days: Bernie Madoff Ponzi scheme was revealed with billions of dollars at stake Lloyds TSB admitted that they were faking records of wire transfers to Iranian and Sudanese customers for years. Lloyds paid a fine of $350M. The chairman of Satyam Ramalinga Raju admitted that… Continue reading
How do you get business from your social and professional network?
Variations of this question include: 1. How do I convert my LinkedIn contacts to prospects and then to customers? 2. How do I get more business from Facebook? 3. How do I monetize on Twitter? In summary, the #1 question when it comes to social networks and business is: How do you get business from… Continue reading
What a "Personal Brand" is NOT – at TomPeters.com
My new column at TomPeters.com is about “Personal Branding.” Let me correct it – the new column is about what a “Personal Brand” is NOT. A personal brand is your promise to the marketplace and the world. Since everyone makes a promise to the world, one does not have a choice of having or not… Continue reading
Would you refer an interim CEO for $5?
Twitter Digest – Networking 101
My experiment on Twitter continues (Twitter Id: @UpbeatNow) I participated in a rapid fire session on Networking on #lion channel on Twitter (organized by @MariSmith and a few others) Here are a few tips from my side (in 140 characters each) 1. The #1 trait required for a good networker – “genuine caring” for the… Continue reading
More clients in this economy?
One of the questions posed in the Open Mic Night with Barry Moltz at Successful Blog (by Liz Strauss) was: How can one find more clients in this economy? At the risk of simplifying, here is my quick advice to the guy who’s looking for more clients in the economy: First, remember that more people… Continue reading