What is an effective email? One that achieves its purpose. For example, if you wanted the recipient to take some action and after reading that email, the recipient takes that action, then we might classify that email as effective. In the same way, you wanted the recipient to take some action but after reading that… Continue reading
Post Category → General
Looking for Proof…
You might remember this very well. Someone that you respect shared with you a piece of wisdom. You nodded your head in agreement. You probably gave them a feeling that you will do something with that insight. Days, weeks and months pass by and you didn’t do anything with that insight. One reason may be… Continue reading
Plane, Helicopter and Street Views on Entrepreneurship
Depending on the view, entrepreneurship looks different, very different. 1. View from a plane: Very smooth Like many things in life, entrepreneurship is quite complex but from far away (such as a view from the plane) it looks smooth and simple. 2. View from a helicopter: Colorful and Exciting From a reasonable distance, entrepreneurship looks… Continue reading
Joe Stump on Lens.ly, a project by Mokriya
Mokriya, a company that I am very close to recently released a photo app for iPad called Lens.ly. With Lens.ly, you can download your Flickr albums for offline viewing – for example, you are on a plane or in a place where there is no Internet connection. It is one of those apps that you wish… Continue reading
Mini Saga #122 – New Partnership
Mini Saga #122 – New Partnership It was a brilliant idea. Rob and Mark wanted to partner on this. Upon strong recommendation from their mentor, they reluctantly wrote about how they see the business evolve over five years and what they expected from it. When they read each other’s paper, they smilingly abandoned the partnership… Continue reading
Mini Saga #121 – New Year Card
Mini Saga #121 – New Year Card Joe looked at the new years cards that Derek had received. In a teasing mood, he asked Derek, “How come there’s no card from Bill?” Derek smiled, “I know I can’t count on Bill to send a card. Unlike many who sent cards, he is there when I… Continue reading
Rejection may just be a stop sign – Jai Ho story
We talked about stop signs very recently. A rejection even from someone who is accomplished can dampen anyone’s spirits. However, the reasons for rejections can be many. If what you have created is valuable and awesome, the reason for rejection is generally, the fit. What you brought to the table may just not be right… Continue reading
The stop signs
The general rule to follow at the stop sign is to stop and then go. Exceptions apply (in some places in India, you stop when you absolutely need to stop, otherwise you just go.) OK, assuming that everyone is following the rules, life becomes simple for you and for everyone else who is on the… Continue reading
Radically different in 2012
Radically different is what most people would wish to be in the 2012. To be radically different is to be markedly different from the usual or customary. Who wouldn’t want something radically different (on the positive side, of course) in the new year? Almost everyone. Note that I did not say everyone as there are… Continue reading
The Personal Big Bubble
No, I am not talking about the economical or startup bubble. I am referring to a personal big bubble that people will experience ( but may not be aware of ) after they see some level of success. A personal big bubble, like many other bubbles is difficult to see because it does not manifest… Continue reading