Whether you are doing something or nothing, you are always carrying a few messages with you. These messages include but not limited to: 1. A Promise: You always make a promise to the world. The latest buzzword for that promise is that you always have a personal brand – whether you want it or not…. Continue reading
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Some restrictions apply*
A friend on social media posted a photo on Facebook called Why complicate life? It has an uplifting message and knowing my friend, he had noble intentions for posting the same. I have posted the photo here again below: Before you scroll down and read what I have written below think about what has been… Continue reading
Let the magic begin…
In the world of some entrepreneurs, the process of making it happen goes like this: They have an idea They put some time and effort to make it happen. Then the magic happens They will walk to the bank laughing This can happen, yes. You might have read a story in the magazines about one… Continue reading
ABCD Model for Building Thought Leadership
I have to say that marketing via thought leadership has worked for me more often than not. Here is the video from my class at the Founders Institute where I share the ABCD model of building thought leadership. Please share this with someone who might benefit from it. Have a great Thursday! Please sign up… Continue reading
Expanding your capacity – 4 minute video
My friend Sri has been running a radio show called It’s Different for a number of years. He has been kind enough to invite me as a guest a few times. One one of the shows, we talked about Expanding your Capacity. Here is a 4 minute video excerpt from the talk where I share… Continue reading
An act of highest contribution
A common and guaranteed problem in the life of many smart people is “lack of time.” However, it is hard to believe that assertion when we think about the following (not the entire list, of course) Recent movie “Hunger Games” grossed $68 million on the opening weekend. Somebody had to be watching that movie. The… Continue reading
Because of…
Everyone of your major milestones is “because of” your efforts. Just stop there and think about that for a minute. I hope you don’t believe that because if you do, you are treading in a dangerous territory. Virtually any milestone achieved is the result of many factors that includes but not limited to: part you… Continue reading
10 Good Reasons to Get a Mentor
There is a good chance that you don’t have a mentor right now and are not even considering entering into such a relationship in the near future. Yet athletes have mentors, actors have mentors and business leaders have mentors. Why not technology professionals? Here are a few reasons why you might want to consider engaging… Continue reading
The power of the right intersection
You already know the need for distinguishing yourself in the marketplace. The opposite of distinguishing yourself is to be a victim of commoditization. The immediate side effect of commoditization is erosion of value – your value. If you offer the same value as hundreds of other available options, then why pay more than one of… Continue reading
Your readers will benefit from this!
I was recently contacted by “Joe” asking if I would be interested in looking at an infographic his team had created that he thought would be useful to my audience. He also mentioned that I could use it however I want. I knew the trick, so I politely replied that I will pass for now…. Continue reading