7 Messages You Carry With You ALL the Time

Whether you are doing something or nothing, you are always carrying a few messages with you.

These messages include but not limited to:

1. A Promise:

You always make a promise to the world. The latest buzzword for that promise is that you always have a personal brand – whether you want it or not.

2. A Story:

I have a story. You have a story. You tell this story by who you are because your collective story so far has what made you who you are.

3. A Possibility:

You present a possibility to everyone in your network. Hopefully, you present a positive possibility that will enrich the lives of others.

4. A Dream:

You may not say it out loud but you do carry a dream – hopefully a big one because bigger the dream, greater the motivation to become a better YOU.

5. A Shoulder:

Yes, you may be a shoulder of support or a shoulder to cry on. You better not be a shoulder that will just push over someone.

6. A Hope:

In some cases you play such an important part that you provide meaning to someone else’s life. Their own existence and drive to grow is because of who you are to them. Hats off to you.

7. A Smile Upgrade/Downgrade Factor:

When you walk into a room, you will cause a delta in the smile quotient of the room. If the delta is positive, you are likable otherwise you have your work cut out for you. This like ability factor opens or closes doors to you almost on a daily basis. So treat this with care.

Have a great week ahead!

Photo courtesy: Honey Pie! on Flickr