What is common between LensCrafters and Progressive Insurance Comnpany – relentless focus on customer service. I saw their recent offers and was blown away 1. LensCrafters provides a hassle free option to try out their glasses for 30 days and return or replace them if they don’t like it. 2. Progressive offers a hassle free… Continue reading
Post Category → Distinguish
Ways to distinguish yourself – #31 Use your "thinking bandwidth" wisely
One of my friends was complaining to me about the fact that his boss was not understanding him. He vividly described what exactly happened in a particular incident and ultimately his point was that “his boss was wrong” and “he was right”. We talked about it for a while and both of us agreed that… Continue reading
Ways to distinguish yourself – #30 Watch the shelf-life of your skills
The era of job security is over. There are very few organizations that can actually guarantee your job over a long period of time. Most people know this but very few people really do something about this. I would like to say that this is not a trend or a fad. The circumstances in the… Continue reading
Ways to distinguish yourself – #29 Watch your standard practices
Today I was meeting an old friend over a cup of coffee. My friend asked about my upcoming book “Beyond Code” and I was more than happy to talk about it. Something caught his attention and he said, I have to make a note of it. He opened a notebook and scribbled something. This happened… Continue reading
Ways to distinguish yourself – #28 Know where you are
This happened in 1997. Kavitha (my wife) and I had just landed in Silicon Valley. Before this, we were living in Singapore and things were very different there. We had to make a lot of changes in our lives to adapt to the valley. First, we had to get our driving license and buy a… Continue reading
Ways to distinguish yourself – #27 Avoid complacency at all costs
They say that failure is the stepping stone for success. What happens once you succeed? Success is not a destination and it should lay the foundation for your next quest. Interestingly, success can be a problem sometimes. A classic situation is when one thinks that he or she is now successful and it’s time to… Continue reading
Ways to distinguish yourself – #26 Expect recognition for results and not effort
I have mentioned this in one of my previous posts and I want to repeat it here – one thing in life has not changed – “sometimes we succeed and sometimes we learn” Many times we put a lot of effort on some things but the results are not there. Sometimes we put in a… Continue reading
Ways to distinguish yourself – #25 Walk away from "free"
The general temptation for many of us is to receive things that are “free” Think about that for a second and see if it is really worth receiving those things that are free. Here are some of my thoughts: 1. I think there is nothing that is “free.” Everything has a price and it has… Continue reading
Ways to distinguish yourself – #24 Influence the influencers
This post may seem like it is targeted at sales professionals but my guess is that it is equally applicable to professionals at all levels. Whenever we are making a point, getting our ideas across, we tend to focus only on the decision makers. This may work but many times, the better approach is to… Continue reading
Ways to distinguish yourself – #23 Learn systems thinking
If everyone in a company learns the basics of “systems thinking” life would be very simple. Here is a definition of a system from the late Austrian Biologist Ludwig von Bertalanffy A system is an entity which maintains its existence through the mutual interaction of its parts. Systems thinking, in essence, is an understanding of… Continue reading