Everytime I meet someone who is looking to change his (or her) job, I ask them why are they wanting to change jobs. While I learn about their reasons, I learn a lot more about them from what they say about their current job and what reasons they give for wanting to change jobs. Let… Continue reading
Post Category → Distinguish
Ways to distinguish yourself #107 Detach the idea from the source
It is common knowledge that our view of the messenger has a bearing on the importance we will give to the message he or she is bringing. This acts as a shortcut to filter the amazing amount of noise that is out there. I am not suggesting that you make a blanket change to this… Continue reading
Ways to distinguish yourself #106 – Increase investments in personal growth
The thing about personal growth that is very interesting is that nobody really cares about your personal growth but if you don’t care about it – everybody will stop caring about you 🙂 It is one of those things that people don’t make an explicit remark about but assume that you are taking care of… Continue reading
Ways to distinguish yourself #105 Be entitled for nothing
Entitlement is a scary concept. If not used appropriately, it can be a cause of inaction. Entitlement is always lurking in the back of the minds of average people. A few examples: 1. Because I am employee, I am entitled to have the privilege of… 2. Because I completed an year of employment, I am… Continue reading
New lens on Squidoo – Distinguish yourself
I have been posting on the topic of distinguishing yourself since Feb 2005. It’s almost a year. To celebrate the anniversary in my own way, I have created a new lens on Squidoo on the same topic. Here is the link: Squidoo Lens: Distinguish Yourself The first 100 blog posts are listed (and linked to… Continue reading
Ways to distinguish yourself #104 Setup and use anchors and triggers
In 1993, my first meditation teacher explained the use of anchors. My anchor was simple – when I was delving deep into meditation, I would bring my three fingers (thumb, index and middle) together in both hands. The idea was that with practice, I would be able to accelerate my getting into meditative state by… Continue reading
Ways to distinguish yourself #103 Validate your private reasons
We take certain decisions for certain reason(s). Many times there is a public reason and there is a private reason for a decision. A public reason is what we say to others to justify the decision and a private reason is why we really took that decision. While we can fool someone else with a… Continue reading
How can you distinguish yourself if you are just a roadside fast food joint?
Greetings from Bangalore, India. I have been talking about ways to distinguish yourself if you are an IT professional. After the publication of my book “Beyond Code” and after talking to so many people outside the IT world who read the book, it is clear to me that irrespective of what your field is, there… Continue reading
Ways to distinguish yourself – #102 Get off the JIMP syndrome
JIMP is an acronym for “Just Interrupt Me Please!” JIMP syndrome is very common and there is a chance that you might also be affected by this syndrome 🙂 I had a severe case of JIMP syndrome a couple of years ago. My symptom was simple – I would be obsessed with checking my emails… Continue reading
Ways to distinguish yourself – #101 Master the art of handling disagreements
Albert Einstein said it beautifully – “It is the mark of an educated man to entertain a thought without accepting it” Easier said than practiced. Think about it – Wouldn’t it be interesting if everyone always accepted everything that you said. No exceptions. For one it would be scary, unbelievable and boring. In any relationships,… Continue reading