Some doors open. Some doors close. You may have zero effect on why some doors closed. It may be just a matter of timing. Some situation change at the other end might have shifted the priorities. There might have been a change of heart. Who knows? However, for a new door to open, there is… Continue reading
Posts Tagged → focus
Balancing the quest for serendipity and the desire to focus
It’s seems like a dilemma. Every business book will say you need to focus to make something big happen Then, you talk to many successful people in private and you will hear stories of sheer randomness, serendipity, chance meeting with someone, luck and so on. Think about it: You have a quest for serendipity You… Continue reading
Do you think a rose is beautiful?
While coming back from his swimming class, I asked Sumukh a simple question – “Do you think a rose is beautiful?” He said “Yes” immediately and looked at me as if I was asking about something super obvious. I followed up with another question – “Sumukh, do you want to think about your answer again?… Continue reading
Mini Saga #125 – Focus
Mini Saga #125 – Focus Matt passionately spoke about his project. At the end, his focus turned towards people who were interested to join immediately. He asked them to stay behind for a detailed conversation and bid goodbye to others. In that process, he lost the mindshare of all those who “might be” interested soon…. Continue reading
Mini Saga #87 – Path
Being focused is important but one should also learn to spot alternative (and better) paths along the way Mini Saga #87 – Path Jim’s childhood friend Charlie was happy and surprised by Jim’s success. What Jim dreamt of doing where he ended up were totally different. Jim changed his goals multiple times, yet was brilliantly… Continue reading
Ways to Distinguish Yourself #203 – Focus on the edges
A knife is sharp only at its ends. Your house key or car key is simply a piece of metal if the ends are flattened out. Your pen will fail to work if the tip is broken. You will probably your next email with your “fingertips” In most cases, edges are what matters. When it… Continue reading
Optimists and Pessimists – The big difference is..
Focus! A pessimist will focus on at least ONE problem in the midst of all the available opportunities. An optimist will focus on at least ONE opportunity in the middle of all the problems. Paul Harvey said it right – “I have never seen a monument erected to a pessimist” Have a great day ahead!… Continue reading