Self-care is NOT a selfish act Self-care is NOT a selfish act. On the other hand, lack of self-care is an irresponsible strategy. Let us think about it… Caring for others is important. However, if you are broke (or broken), your capacity to care for others is heavily diminished. If you are not standing on… Continue reading
Posts Tagged → caring
The most MEANINGFUL competitive advantage
The most meaningful competitive advantage is To scale your ability to care Caring at scale is a clear competitive advantage because so many people out there pretend to care. It probably would be easy to scale caring if you have a LOT of money. It would be easy, yes, but one should still decide to… Continue reading
Mini Saga #128 – Readiness
Mini Saga #128 – Readiness It was Dave’s first camping trip with his three friends. Tired after hiking all day, they wanted to sleep early in their tent. Seeing three pairs of earplugs in Dave’s hand, Sam asked him, “Why do you want three pairs of ear plugs?” Dave smiled, “They are not for me.”… Continue reading
The Art of Graceful Disagreement
Disagreement is hard and graceful disagreement is an art that you MUST master. Have you been in a situation where: You want to disagree but you don’t know how the other person will feel so you end up agreeing to something that you don’t buy-in You want to be a good sport so you go… Continue reading
9 Ways to Ensure that You Don’t Get Good Help
Here are 9 ways to ensure that you DON’T get good help: 1. You Feel entitled to receive help This is the number one reason most people go wrong. Nobody is entitled for anything. An exception may be with members of your circle of love but other than that you got to earn your way… Continue reading
ABCD Model for Building Thought Leadership
I have to say that marketing via thought leadership has worked for me more often than not. Here is the video from my class at the Founders Institute where I share the ABCD model of building thought leadership. Please share this with someone who might benefit from it. Have a great Thursday! Please sign up… Continue reading
Mini Saga #121 – New Year Card
Mini Saga #121 – New Year Card Joe looked at the new years cards that Derek had received. In a teasing mood, he asked Derek, “How come there’s no card from Bill?” Derek smiled, “I know I can’t count on Bill to send a card. Unlike many who sent cards, he is there when I… Continue reading
Mini Saga #115 – Depth
Winning over people becomes easier if you deeply care about what they care about. Mini Saga #115 – Depth Mike had a set of “serial followers.” This was his fourth company and majority of his troops had followed him. Although Mike didn’t make a big deal about it, one of his followers admitted, “Without a… Continue reading
Why Many Smart People Fail to Make a Good First Impression
You would have observed this in your own life. You are meeting someone for the first time. You have heard from your friends that the person you are going to meet is very smart. You Googled this person and learned a bit more. You go to the meeting with high expectations. The meeting is great… Continue reading
Gatecrashing into someone’s heart…
Can you gatecrash into someone’s heart? It can happen in movies, for sure. In real life? The chances for that are the same as the chances of winning a lottery. Possible but rarely practical. Make a place in someone’s heart and the you change the relationship completely. Once someone allots a place for you in… Continue reading