If you are reasonably successful in the world of business, you get a lot of demands on your time and mindshare. One category of these requests are from people who have hit a roadblock in their startup. At the risk of over-simplifying, their earlier assumptions about how the market reacts to their idea did not… Continue reading
How to Manage Internal Conversations
Do you have internal conversations? Silly question. All of us do. The real question should be: Do you have internal conversations that are helping you or hurting you? Raising Your Awareness Just raising your awareness about the power of internal conversations, to help you or hurt you already has set you on a good path… Continue reading
Are you Capitalizing on Inspiration Arbitrage?
Inspiration Arbitrage is the art of drawing inspiration from masters in other fields to raise your game in your own field. Note: “Inspiration Arbitrage” is a term I coined a while ago. The good thing about coining a new term is that you can make up your own meanings 🙂 Because of my varied interests that… Continue reading
The Power of the Right Public Promise
You might have heard this before If you make a public promise about your goals, you increase the odds of achieving them. You might have tried that too. The last six months I experimented this with more than a dozen people on various goals and the results were mixed. I analyzed the patterns and drew… Continue reading
Every email is an investment pitch
When you make a presentation to secure an investment, you put a lot of thought into what you say, how you will say it and when you will say it. There are many reasons for this. That investor is being pitched by many people like you. That investor has to pick you and your project… Continue reading
How to Pick the Right Projects to Work
When you are smart, you rarely have a problem of having no project to work on. You have a different problem. You may be confused or conflicted on which among the available projects should you pick to participate in. Good problem to have. Keyword here is not good. It is still a “problem” you need… Continue reading
Three Reasons Letting Go is Not Easy
Let Go! This advice falls into the popular category – “easy to understand, (very) hard to implement.” The fact is: you DO want to let go of some things, but you feel totally helpless. Can you relate to that feeling? If yes, here are three things to reflect upon. 1. Second Nature If you are… Continue reading
A Lesson From a 24-shot Espresso
“24 Shot Espresso for James” the lady at the Starbucks called out. I was waiting for someone and I thought I must have heard it wrong and continued reading a book. A few minutes passed by. “24 Shot Espresso for James” the lady at the Starbucks called out again. This time I was sure about… Continue reading
The ONE element to focus on to deepen your relationships
Can you think of one friend who you have not been in touch for a long time, but when you finally talk or meet, you pick right from where you left off as if the time between meetings shrunk like magic? That is a special. Very special. You wish you have many more such special… Continue reading
Change the World OR Change the World Around You
Wanting to change the world seems bold. Wanting to change the world around you seems like shortchanging yourself at least at a first glance. You read books about how people who have made it went after bold goals, big dreams and visions that would make jaws drop. My very first job was that of a… Continue reading