This little quote reminds us the need to be in the game than on the sidelines. “Winners win and lose more frequently than losers because they stay in the game” – Terry Paulson Please sign up for my newsletter here:
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Quotes worth recording – Dennis Pear
Many people who end up in leadership positions think they are leaders. This little quote explains that it’s not the position or it’s not the people that report to you that defines the quality of your leadership but.. “The quality of your leadership is reflected in the caliber of people choosing to follow you” –… Continue reading
Paypal – Make it easy and then make it hard
Paypal has a service to let non-paypal users to pay using their credit card. However, if you have a Paypal account and you choose to pay with your credit card, Paypal does not like it. Here is the message from them Our records indicate that this email address is already registered to an existing Paypal… Continue reading
Quotes worth recording – Walter Savage Landor
This little quote reminds us that our thoughts are under our control. Many times we tend to forget this simple truth and get carried away with negative and unproductive thoughts. “My thoughts are my company; I can bring them together, select them, detain them, dismiss them” – Walter Savage Landor Please sign up for my… Continue reading
Digital Video Recorders – When is the tipping point?
DVR is an example of a game changing innovation. Just like Napster forever changed the way music industry thinks and works, DVRs are out to change the way TV industry thinks and works. TiVo and ReplayTV are the two prominent players and I am sure there are many more to come. When I last checked,… Continue reading
Quotes worth recording – Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
Another interesting perspective on Social Networking
I talked about the topic of Social networking on June 4. David Batstone provides an interesting perspective on this topic on his blog today (link: I don’t want to be your friend-ster) David explains why it’s hard to be “linkedin” to every friend. It is a delicate balance who you get “linkedin” to. If you… Continue reading
Google Adsense under fire now??
Joe Wikert blogs about why google adsense does not make any sense. This follows a story last month about a secret army of clickers trying to fool google adsense program. Interesting articles – both of them. Google Adsense is probably one of the most popular of google offerings (apart from search) and now it’s under… Continue reading
Quotes worth recording – Mahatma Gandhi
Quotes worth recording – Dr. Maya Angelou
Picked this up from Harry Beckwith‘s newsletter. Amazing insight that might help you build lasting relationships. “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel” – Dr. Maya Angelou Please sign up for my newsletter here: