Note: I am addressing this post to “You” only to enhance readability (based on the feedback I received) and I am not making any assumption about your particular situation. It starts with your Boss or someone who is in a better position than you. You watch what they do and you just can’t believe it…. Continue reading
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Positioning is Yours; Perception is Theirs
What triggered this was a simple question from a friend – “How do I change how people perceive me?” You can’t control how people perceive you – but you can control how you position yourself. It’s a little bit convoluted if you think about it. The biggest feedback you get about your positioning is from… Continue reading
PRIVACYtweet: Interview with Lori Ruff
It’s been almost a year since Mitchell Levy and I launched our publishing company THINKaha. It’s still a little startup and there is so much more to learn. You can see the list of books published so far here: We recently released #PRIVACYtweet by Lori Ruff. In this short interview Lori talks about her… Continue reading
Why the careers of MANY smart people are stalled in mid-life?
Do you remember any “rising” superstars that were the blue-eyed boys (and girls) of the Bosses when they started their careers? You knew that these people were pretty damn smart and you really thought they would go places in their life. When you looked at the careers of many of these people when they hit… Continue reading
The Upside of the Downside
Richard Farson highlights the following in his brilliant book – “Whoever makes the most mistakes wins.” Ask very successful people about their journey that led them to where they are and you will hear that most of them had a checkered past. Nothing happens in a straight line. We tend to forget the above and… Continue reading
Designing to be NOT easily broken
Please observe the image above – especially the notice on the statue. It reads: PLEASE STAY OFF STATUE This is at the Swimming pool that I go to. Every other day someone is leaning on the statue checking their email or talking on the phone. It is like a crutch. I am sure SOME of… Continue reading
A sneak preview of Linchpin by Seth Godin
I have written about Linchpin twice before: 1. Why Seth Godin’s new book LINCHPIN is both BRILLIANT and SCARY 2. The LINCHPIN in The 3 Idiots Over this weekend, I was re-reading the book again and decided to post a sneak preview of the book using Storify service. Here it is below: Please sign up… Continue reading
The Unexpected: Cebu Pacific Airlines Video
What makes someone smile or laugh? It is the punchline. What is the #1 characteristic of a punchline? It is something unexpected. If everything was going on as “expected,” there wouldn’t be a punchline and there wouldn’t be a smile or laughter. Viral videos are the same way. I have written about lessons from 9… Continue reading
A sneak preview of #SPORTStweet by Ronnie Lott
“#SPORTStweet: What I learned from my Coaches about Sports and Life” is the latest book from our THINKaha series. I have created a sneak preview of the book using the Storify service. In this sneak preview you will see a few tweets from the book. For those of you who want to know a bit more… Continue reading
The Fourth Move
Gary Vaynerchuk, in one of his recent talks mentioned how upset he was about business people that only think of TODAY. It gets worse when it comes to social media where everyone wants it now and in this instant. I totally agree with Gary’s observation. In a chess game, if you can only think of… Continue reading