If you want to kill innovation, new ideas and breakthrough thinking, you have a master stroke in saying: “There is no guarantee that this will work” What will you do when you have to convince someone and they come back with a response like the one above? Your first temptation Your first temptation is to… Continue reading
Post Category → General
This is my answer
There is a difference between saying This is my answer or This is THE answer Actually, let me correct what I said. There is a BIG difference between saying This is my answer or This is THE answer In the first case, you are sharing your opinion. In the second case, you are mostly you… Continue reading
Stacking Up Your Idea
You and I both meet a lot of people with great ideas. Unfortunately, the story stops right there. Most people are professional idea generators who keep generating one idea after the other hoping that they will pick the “best” or the “most foolproof” idea and make that a blockbuster success. Since they are doing the… Continue reading
This is a burden!
A few things may appear as a burden. The moment you label something as a “burden,” it does become a burden. Look back into your past and the very same things that appeared to you as a “burden” are now part of what you call “experience.” What changed? Nothing, except the label that you assigned… Continue reading
You have 30 minutes
Let’s say you have 30 minutes to meet with someone who is three years junior to you in the career path. In those 30 minutes, your job is to discuss, brainstorm, counsel, prod or motivate that person. Assuming that the other person was totally open, at the end of those 30 minutes, what do you… Continue reading
The Practical Reason for Why Mimic is Not the Best Strategy
If you want to do something, find someone who has already done that and follow the steps and you can achieve almost similar results. I wish the above were true all the time and you didn’t have to think much. In my opinion, getting inspired by someone is good but trying to mimic someone results… Continue reading
I am worried about my mounting debt
I am worried about my mounting debt. How about you? If you are like most people, I know what your response would be – “I don’t have any debt.” Well, think again. I was not referring to the financial debt here. You accumulate debt ALL the time. No exceptions. There is a growing list to… Continue reading
Out-of-the-box thinking on out-of-the-box thinking
Two questions for you: 1. Are you an out-of-the-box thinker? 2. Are you surrounded by people who are not out-of-the-box thinkers? If you said “Yes” to the first question, there is a good chance that the second question becomes a rhetorical question. If the answer to the second question is a “No,” you are saying… Continue reading
I hate red lights, roadblocks and detours
Have you heard someone saying this – “I hate red lights, roadblocks and detours” Maybe you? I have felt the same way sometimes. When I am in a hurry to go somewhere I come across a red-light or a detour or an accident. It derails my entire plan. It might have happened to you as… Continue reading
To Think Lists
You and I both have “to do lists.” Some of you may be using a sophisticated system and some of you may just be listing your to do items in a piece of paper. And, probably small percentage of you may simply maintain the to do list in your mind. Knowing that you are smart,… Continue reading