Ways to distinguish yourself #174 – Surprise someone positively (at regular intervals)

Lisa Haneberg talks about the butterfly effect in her books and talks. You can read more about Butterfly effect here. The butterfly effect is a phrase that encapsulates the more technical notion of sensitive dependence on initial conditions in chaos theory. Small variations of the initial condition of a nonlinear dynamical system may produce large… Continue reading

Ways to distinguish yourself #172 – Manage costs associated with your contribution

Most often, we want to be congratulated for our contributions. Depending on the nature, size and frequency of contributions, we may expect different things – a raise, a pat on the back, a promotion or simply some sort of recognition. What gets conveniently overlooked is that cost that we bring along with the contribution. Whether… Continue reading

Ways to distinguish yourself #166 – Get people to respond; not react!

“It’s not what you think…it’s what you say” – Susan Scott (from Fierce Conversations) Think about some of your recent “difficult” conversations with people. When the other person made an inappropriate comment, Was it a reaction or a response? Whenever the other person was unreasonable, chances were that the person was reacting rather than responding…. Continue reading