If you want to kill innovation, new ideas and breakthrough thinking, you have a master stroke in saying: “There is no guarantee that this will work” What will you do when you have to convince someone and they come back with a response like the one above? Your first temptation Your first temptation is to… Continue reading
Posts Tagged → idea
Stacking Up Your Idea
You and I both meet a lot of people with great ideas. Unfortunately, the story stops right there. Most people are professional idea generators who keep generating one idea after the other hoping that they will pick the “best” or the “most foolproof” idea and make that a blockbuster success. Since they are doing the… Continue reading
The ONE thing to do before you make your case
Here is the answer for those of you who are in a hurry: In short, you need to first build a case to make a case. You need to raise awareness to the related issue or opportunity so that someone is open to you making a case on a topic. Now a longer explanation. I… Continue reading
ONE reason why you are not getting “buy in” for your ideas..
You have a brilliant idea but it is instantly shot down by your Boss. It hurts. I can imagine that. Next, you quickly find a reason why that idea was not supported. If you are like most people, you will blame your Boss for not being able to recognize the potential of a new idea…. Continue reading
The Three Stages of an Idea
All of us get MANY new ideas everyday. Majority of these ideas will never see the light of the day.They die in our minds. But, some ideas we choose to pursue. How do we determine which ones to kill and which ones to pursue? It’s a million dollar question, really. Here is one model to… Continue reading
Stop worrying about your idea and start focusing on execution
Having lived in the Silicon Valley for more than a decade now, I get to hear ideas almost ALL the time – in various shapes, sizes and forms. Ideas, like most things in life, follow a normal distribution curve. Of the ones that I understand and can make a reasonable assessment, there are good ones,… Continue reading