2013 is days away. Here is a 17-point program to make it your best year. 1. Get paid to move the needle: Quit thinking that you need to get paid for the hours you put into anything. If you get paid to move the needle, it will turn out to be a no-brainer value exchange…. Continue reading
Posts Tagged → help
Please put on your oxygen mask first…
You would have heard this announcement before an airline takes off. The key part here is that “if you have someone that you need to take care of, please take care of yourself first and then take care of them next.” The advice is valid beyond the scope of flying in an airline. It’s a… Continue reading
The Best Feedback for a First-time Entrepreneur
First-time entrepreneurs are at a perennial disadvantage. If you are one, you know what the feeling is. There is no guarantee to you or to anyone around you that your project WILL take off. It’s the height of uncertainty. Since they are not “proven” yet, not many people around them want to actively support them… Continue reading
What you are (really) asking
Sometimes you make a request and you get a No response. You are disappointed. You think it was a simple request and it would hardly take any effort to fulfill it. You just wish people were more considerate. You make your plan to submit the same request to another person. What you might want to… Continue reading
A “wish” or a “burning desire” ?
Most people confuse their wishes and fantasies to be burning desires. In simple terms, a wish is something that you want and you have no interest in paying the price to get it. Similarly, a burning desire is something that you want but you are willing to go the length to get it. In both… Continue reading
The Crutch
You would have seen someone like Simon. Simon seems to have a problem with one of his legs. So he is using a crutch just to support himself when he is walking. But upon close observation, the legs look OK. It’s not like something was broken or anything. Or at least there was no visible… Continue reading
Why some smart people don't help other people?
Most smart people are capable of helping other people. Some of them do and some of them don’t. People are happy with those people that help and people resent those that don’t help. I have had many people share their frustration from people who have not gotten a response to their request for someone smart…. Continue reading
Who owes you a big one?
This is not a trick question. Really, think about the question again – “Who owes you a big one?” In fact, in the next minute or so, can you think of a dozen people who owe you a big one? If you can’t come up with any names, it is time to re-visit your social… Continue reading
The Help Paradox
It seems like there is a simple solution to the help problem. A lot of people in the world want help. A lot of people in the world can provide help. So why not match the everyone that needs help with everyone that can provide that help and resolve this whole thing once for all…. Continue reading
Are you covered?
If yes, Congratulations!! and you can skip this article. You don’t know what you don’t know.. You can’t hear what you can’t hear.. You can’t see what you can’t see… You can’t think about what is not in your awareness.. You need mentors and teachers because you just can’t do it alone. The irony is… Continue reading