Google announced their latest initative a few days ago – Custom Search Engine. With this you can specify the sites that you want to include in your search. You can customize the look and feel and place it on your website. Users can search using this custom search engine and when they click relevant ads,… Continue reading
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Quotes worth recording – Friedrich Nietzsche
Quotes worth recording – Cicero
Quotes worth recording – Mahatma Gandhi
Blast from the past – Entrepreneur Pack
For the benefit of new readers, I have compiled a set of articles that I have written in the past (published on this blog) on the topic of entrepreneurship. Here they are: 1. First time entrepreneur questions – A Baker’s dozen – Dec 24, 2005 Like many things in life, you only get to be… Continue reading
Quotes worth recording – Tim Sanders
I had an opportunity to spend time with Tim Sanders today which I cherish. As a bonus, I also got to listen to Tim giving a keynote to a spellbound audience this afternoon. It was fascinating. In the end Tim provided two tips (sort of takeaways) and one of them was just right on the… Continue reading
Quotes worth recording – Emile Chartier
Can you update your information in my address book?
I have always been of the opinion that tools are just tools. It is not the tools that make the difference – it is HOW you use those tools. Plaxo is one such tool. If used right, it can keep your address book updated automatically. Of course, you can use it wrong too. Here is… Continue reading
Quotes worth recording – Russ Walden
Chair for our Vistage group, Sterling Lanier had put up a great quote last wednesday. The quote was about fairness. Is treating all people equally fair? At the outset, it looks like its fair. Please read on.. “The most unfair practice is the equal treatment of unequals” – Russ Walden, Ridgewood Hotels Please sign up… Continue reading
Does your current job have an impact on your future life?
That was a rhetorical question. Instead of answering that one, please read the story I picked up from one of the teachings of Osho. A retired army man..he had fought in the First World War and he was honored; he was a brave man. And now, almost twenty-five years had passed. He had a… Continue reading