John Battelle is an entrepreneur, journalist, professor, and author. Currently founder and chairman of Federated Media Publishing, he is also a founder and executive producer of conferences in the media, technology, communications, and entertainment industries and “band manager” with Previously, Battelle was founder, chairman, and CEO of Standard Media International (SMI), publisher of The… Continue reading
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Quought for the Day #04 – Phil Gerbyshak
Phil Gerbyshak is a popular blogger, author and a manager but more than anything he is a giver and someone everyone would want to be friends with. If you are his friend, the only problem will be that you have to work very hard to reciprocate (but you may still fail to catch up) (click… Continue reading
Quought for the day #03 – Steve Pavlina
Steve Pavlina runs the most visited personal development site in the world. There is so much information on his website that people can really get lost (in a good way.) (click on the button to read the background for this series) Steve’s Quought For The Day What would I do differently this year if I… Continue reading
Quought for the day #02 – Susan Scott
I still remember that day. One of my mentors gave me Susan‘s book “Fierce Conversations” and while I knew that there was a reason that this book was given to me, I kept wondering – “But, I don’t want to have Fierce Conversations” 🙂 That was years ago and I have to say that –… Continue reading
Quought for the day #01 – Seth Godin
We start the series with my hero Seth Godin‘s contribution. Seth has been a huge inspiration for me and my writing. I have read almost everything Seth has written (mostly multiple times.) So it is a great honor to start this series with his question. (click on the button to read the background for this… Continue reading
Announcing "Quought for The Day" series
No, there was no spelling mistake. Quought = Question that provokes thought. Questions are important. Thinking is important. Questions that make you think are very important! Some background first – I have always believed that it is not always the answers but sometimes asking one good question is what is required to make a difference… Continue reading
Creating artificial exclusivity and artificial scarcity –
Dimitrios (who has cool artwork on his site BTW) sends me a link to his new project. Here is the offer on his website The idea is pretty simple. You can buy a lot of land, why not a lot of sand? This Caribbean beach is divided in 1000 lots of approximately 0.945 square… Continue reading
Quotes worth recording – Frederick Collins
The following quote shows (brilliantly) where you should put the focus on… “There are two types of people in the world. Those who come in the room and say, ‘Well, here I am!’ and those who come into the room and say ‘Ah,there you are!’” – Frederick Collins Writer Please sign up for my newsletter… Continue reading
Quotes worth recording – Henry Longfellow
Naveen at Start2Lead sends me this beautiful quote this morning. I have always believed that 1) You pay the price or you pay the price later for not paying the price before.2) You pay the price before you get the prize The quote below puts it beautifully “The heights by great men reached and kept… Continue reading
Quotes worth recording – Phyllis Bottome
Long ago, I had heard a quote something like “Problems come so that heroes can overcome.” Here is a similar one that you might enjoy! “There are two ways of meeting difficulties: you alter the difficulties or you alter yourself meeting them.” – Phyllis Bottome, English Writer Have a great week ahead! Please sign up… Continue reading