I am yet to read Bob’s latest book. It’s on my list of books to read. I have totally enjoyed his earlier books. Bob Sutton is Professor of Management Science and Engineering in the Stanford Engineering School, where he is the former Co-Director of the Center for Work, Technology, and Organization, an active researcher and… Continue reading
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Charging for something that is free – XDrive story
Should a company continue to charge for a service that they are now offering for free? Let me explain my experience with Xdrive. I had signed up for an Xdrive (provides storage space for a fee) account late last year as one or our projects had a need to constantly exchange large files with several… Continue reading
Quought for the Day #22 – Keith Ferrazzi
Being passionate about building relationships, I was quickly attracted to the work of Keith Ferrazzi and have learnt a lot from him and his book in the last year. I am excited to present Keith’s contribution to the series. Keith Ferrazzi is one of the rare individuals to discover the essential formula for making his… Continue reading
Quought for the Day #21 – Tony Clark
(click on the button to read the background for this series) I met Tony recently but immediately was fascinated by his work – combination of brilliant art and simple insights. You too will be fascinated if you visit Tony’s website. As a special, Tony was kind enough to send one of his drawings along with… Continue reading
Quought for the Day #20 – Kathy Sierra
I am a long-time fan of the blog Creating Passionate Users. So it is exciting to see that Kathy Sierra agreed to participate in the “Quought for the Day” project at short notice. Thanks Kathy. Kathy Sierra has worked for the last decade in game development (Virgin MGM, Amblin’),interactive advertising (producer of Nestle’saward-winning Wonka.com), new… Continue reading
Quought for the Day #19 – Steve Farber
Steve Farber is the president of Extreme Leadership, Incorporated — an organization devoted to the cultivation and development of Extreme Leaders in the business community — and is the co-founding director of The Center for Social Profit Leadership. His book, The Radical Leap: A Personal Lesson in Extreme Leadership is a recipient of Fast Company… Continue reading
Quought for the Day #18 – Dave Taylor
For starters, Dave Taylor wears many hats – author, blogger, teacher, geek, businessman and a great friend. When I watch Dave working on his dozen or so projects with same passion, I sometimes doubt if Dave is only one person or has he secretly mastered the human cloning project 🙂 Dave Taylor has been involved… Continue reading
Quought for the Day #17 – Rosa Say
Rosa Say was born and raised in Hawaii. She attended St. Anthony and Punahou schools, and she is a graduate of the School of Travel Industry Management at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. She currently lives on the Big Island of Hawai‘i with her ‘Ohana (Family). During her 24-year career in Hawaii’s hospitality industry,… Continue reading
Quought for the Day #16 – Brendon Connelly
Brendon Connelly maintains an awesome blog called SlackerManager. Don’t be misled by the name, though – it is definitely not for managers who are slackers 🙂 If you want to be more effective at work without additional sweat, you have to visit Brendon’s blog. People who know Bren also know that he is always there… Continue reading
Quought for the Day #15 – Chris Cree
A former Naval officer, now Chris Cree is focused on helping businesses get leverage out of blogging. Chris has a nice series on Business Blogging for those who are getting started on Business Blogging (and the series serves as a refresher for those who have already started) My $.02: The earlier question from Dr. Posner… Continue reading