Taking someone for granted is easy. We become experts at home. In our circle of love. We start by taking small things for granted. Then, we move on to taking bigger things for granted. Soon, taking for granted becomes our second nature. Once that happens, we become blind to the fact that we are taking… Continue reading
Post Category → Life
The one unquestionable filter for people in your network
Right out of the bat, let me share this quote from Oprah Winfrey even at the risk of giving away the essence of this article Here it goes: Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo… Continue reading
The one HIDDEN assumption that might cause a lot of pain
Over the years I have heard a lot of friends about their disappointment (and sometimes, pain) about someone in their network. Somebody in the network did not understand them fully. Somebody didn’t care for them as much as they should have. Somebody said something they should not have said. Somebody said something about them in… Continue reading
The Power of the Right Public Promise
You might have heard this before If you make a public promise about your goals, you increase the odds of achieving them. You might have tried that too. The last six months I experimented this with more than a dozen people on various goals and the results were mixed. I analyzed the patterns and drew… Continue reading
The ONE element to focus on to deepen your relationships
Can you think of one friend who you have not been in touch for a long time, but when you finally talk or meet, you pick right from where you left off as if the time between meetings shrunk like magic? That is a special. Very special. You wish you have many more such special… Continue reading
Change the World OR Change the World Around You
Wanting to change the world seems bold. Wanting to change the world around you seems like shortchanging yourself at least at a first glance. You read books about how people who have made it went after bold goals, big dreams and visions that would make jaws drop. My very first job was that of a… Continue reading
The Impact Habit Survey
My work is such that I routinely meet people who want to make a giant-sized impact on this world. These people super competent and at least on-the-face committed to see through their dream. Some of them are even tinkering with ideas here and there to get started. Those of you who have been following me… Continue reading
9 Points to Ponder
I carry a short stack of notecards in my bag just to make notes for myself. Many of these are things that I would have said in a conversation or reflected upon post a conversation. As I was browsing through my stack from the last few weeks, I found nine points to ponder. Here they… Continue reading
Metrics That Matter Most for 2013 (Free One Page PDF)
Note: I created this checklist a couple of years ago and it has served me well. No changes on the checklist except the dates. Please feel free to download, modify, re-use or share. We are obsessed about measuring everything. We want to know the number o connections, number of followers, number of pageviews, number of… Continue reading
Business Cards Designed to Make You Think
The consulting side of my life (Foresight Plus) is a combination of enough left brain mixed with a lot of right brain thinking. It’s about bringing creativity, storytelling and leverage to the marketing side of any business. So, my cards for Foresight Plus had to have a mix of all of them. A pack of… Continue reading