I had an opportunity to see the work-in-progress for an awesome project (featured above) by EDF called “The Power of Scale.” The outcome of the project was a 90-second video. The video is about something that we should all be concerned about – energy and what we can do about it to save OUR world…. Continue reading
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The LINCHPIN in "3 Idiots"
3 Idiots is a movie that touched my heart in the recent past. The movie was not just entertaining but was filled with so many life lessons. Brilliant storytelling made it memorable. I won’t go into everything as I am sure many of you have not seen the movie and don’t want this to be… Continue reading
Ways to Distinguish Yourself #207 – Learn To Notice What is Left Unsaid…
What is said is important. Equally important is what is not said. If you are not noticing is “what is not said,” you might be missing a LOT more than you think you are. To illustrate the point, I am going to use a song from one of my favorite movies “Music and Lyrics.” The… Continue reading
Leap of Faith
Photo Courtesy: Travis Gray on Flickr We take “leaps of faith” all the time. We don’t have a choice but to take a “leap of faith” when the data is limited to make a good assessment of the situation that leads to a rational decision [ For those smart types – not making a decision… Continue reading
Photo Courtesy: Alistercyne at Flickr Last week, I had an opportunity to introduce one of my mentors Yakov Soloveychik to some of the people that I mentor. It was an honor and a privilege. I was explaining to the group that every time I meet Yakov I come back with something that I had not… Continue reading
Photo Courtesy: Selva on Flickr When was the last time you were touched and moved? Do you recall one such moment in the last few weeks? I am sure that it was not: * When you went to a grocery store and picked up something and the cashier gave a smile that he gives to… Continue reading
A new foundation
Photo Courtesy: Ekainj on Flickr The general tendency is to build. create, publish or ship. However, without a solid foundation whatever you build, create, publish or ship won’t get far. You cannot NOT have a foundation. You have one. It is your sum total of your history, accomplishments, relationships and your contributions to start with…. Continue reading
When you are on a stage…
Photo Courtesy: Michale on Flickr How will you behave when you are on the stage? You are typically nervous and you want to put on a good show. You are well prepared and you have rehearsed it a number of times and you know that your reputation is online. You know that people will make… Continue reading
A skeleton at your doorstep
Photo Courtesy: Limonada at Flickr You are expecting a friend and a door bell rings. You open the door and there is a skeleton standing at your door. When you look at it with horror in your eyes, the skeleton smiles and looks at you in anticipation that you will invite it inside your home…. Continue reading
Why nice people will win BIG TIME in the long run?
Note: Just being nice is not a clever substitute to being truly valuable. You need to be both. So, please don’t take this to an extreme [ Please refer: Just being NICE is not enough] I still remember that conversation with Tim Sanders (who is one of the nicest people I have met anyway) several… Continue reading