We all are familiar with mediocrity. It’s everywhere and growing rapidly. Here are seven reasons that are contributing to the alarming rise of mediocrity 1. Amplify without Accomplishment Logically, you should accomplish first and then amplify it. It makes sense that way. Enter Social media and the world changed a bit, at least that’s what… Continue reading
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Opening new worlds, one connection at a time
When you reflect back at your own life, you will notice that most big shifts in your life occurred because of someone. That someone opened a new world for you when you came in contact with them. I am sure you have thanked them. I also hope that you thanked those that made that connection… Continue reading
Three Inspiring Videos (AND Three Additional Lessons)
If you know where to look, there is no short supply for inspiration. If you are not interested, inspiration can be right in front of you and you will miss it by a mile. Here are three videos that should inspire anyone: 1. Stanford Commencement speech by Steve Jobs More than 11 million people have… Continue reading
Why many smart people come across as selfish
You have seen many smart people and after one conversation with them you get a feeling that they seem too selfish. The conversation was all about them and what they are working on and how they are going to do what they are going to do. Sometimes, you felt odd to even continue the conversation. It… Continue reading
The Wise Woman’s Stone
Spike Humer, who himself is a wise man shared this touching story. I won’t say much…it’s a (very) short story and it’s well worth your time (Hat Tip: Annette Bernabe) The Wise Woman’s Stone Author: Unknown A wise woman who was traveling in the mountains found a precious stone in a stream. The next day,… Continue reading
Why MANY smart people make bad decisions?
Really, nobody wants to make a bad decision. Yet, everyone gets their fair share of bad decisions in their life. Thinking rationally, smarter people should make fewer bad decisions. But, if you look back at your own life or the lives of other smart people you know, that is not the case. They have a… Continue reading
Seven Reasons Why Most Coaching Programs May Not Work For You.
Coaching programs come in various flavors, forms and shapes. More importantly, they come with variety of price tags. I have been fortunate to have had (and continue to have) many coaches over two decades. They have been a large part of helping me reach where I have reached today. It is not like I have… Continue reading
Why many smart people hit a plateau (and stay there)
The magic number is 40. Yes, it is at the age of forty that many smart people realize that they are stuck. I am not saying that smart people don’t get stuck some other time but 40 is the age where I have heard about “getting stuck” a lot more than other ages. I first… Continue reading
How to get rich quickly
Once during a seminar, we engaged in a thought experiment. I asked the audience what ideas do they have to get rich quick and the answers came in fast. One golden rule was to not to think about any restrictions. Here are some answers: 1. Buy a lottery (and win) 2. Rob a bank (successfully)… Continue reading
7 Reasons Why Many Smart People Fail to Lead
You have seen these people – the best of the best in the lot. They get promoted to become the leaders and all hell breaks loose. They are not only frustrated but they will also royally frustrate their followers. Here are seven reasons why this might be happening: [Note: Replace “You” with the appropriate person… Continue reading