You can do this exercise very easily. Bring along ten of your friends and/or your co-workers for a quick ten-minute meeting. Ask them one of the following questions: * What makes a great leader?* What makes a great manager?* What do you look for in a friend?* What makes a great husband?* What are the… Continue reading
Post Category → Distinguish
Ways to distinguish yourself #137 – Stop to smell the roses
For those who are new to this blog – I stay in Sunnyvale, california (West Coast) The other day I was sending an email to a friend in the East Coast at 10pm and I got a response back immediately. After that we used email like an IM (Instant messenger) and exchanged a few ideas…. Continue reading
Ways to distinguish yourself #136 – Never take people for granted
When someone that you like is not close to you, you work so hard to get close to them. You get close to them and things are going fine. After some time they disappear from your life. Not literally. You just start taking them for granted. Don’t believe this? Here are some questions to ask… Continue reading
Ways to distinguish yourself #135 – Never discount "timing"
Be it in winning or be it in losting, timing plays an important role. One of the reasons why you should not try to duplicate somebody’s success. While you may be able to copy the actions by this successful person, you can be certain that you can’t recreate the timing of those actions. The other… Continue reading
Ways to distinguish yourself #134 – Learn to deal with (office) politics
You can wish that office politics was not there or it just disappears one day from your office. The chances of that happening are the same as you winning a lottery. Office politics won’t affect you if you are not on the wrong end of it. The key is to learn to deal with office… Continue reading
Ways to distinguish yourself #133 – Find the intersection of your passion and "current world needs"
When you do what you are extremely passionate about, you don’t feel like it is “work.” When I am getting ready for a trip, people ask me “Is this for business or pleasure?” and that totally confuses me. I can answer something and escape from the question but the fact that the question was posed… Continue reading
Ways to distinguish yourself #132 Be influenced
Of course, by the right people and the right messages. I have seen many people who complain about attending seminars (leadership, self-development) and getting nothing out of it. When I probe further, half these people were making an assessment of the speaker and speculating whether to agree with the speaker or not. In other words,… Continue reading
Ways to distinguish yourself #131 – Know your rules for small things
Big things take a lot of time. Small things take a small amount of time. However, we do a lot of small things in our daily lives – so it all adds up. A few examples (or questions, really) just to get you in the same frequency: 1. Where do you keep your car keys… Continue reading
Ways to distinguish yourself #130 Watch your daily vocabulary
It is easy to NOT watch your daily vocabulary – the words that you use in your daily interaction with your family, friends, colleagues and anybody else for that matter. Everyone around you may be callously using words and sentences that are inappropriate but generally accepted. Here are some examples: * pain in the neck*… Continue reading
Ways to distinguish yourself #129 Stop treading in the "blind spots" of others
I can safely assume that each one of you know about blind spots. Usually “blind spot” is talked about in the context of driving. It is an area of the road that disappears from your vision when you are looking at your rear view mirror. It is dangerous for a driver to not know about… Continue reading