What We Wish We Could Do at School…

We all have different answers to the question above. How about hearing what a 12 year old has to say in response to the question. That’s the topic of my son’s first book.

Twelve-year old Sumukh has finally written his first book and it has been published on Kindle. It is called “What We Wish We Could Do At School” and it is a humorous take on what kids wish they could do at school.

Here it is in Sumukh’s own words (unedited):

We were in the car and my Dad asked me if I wanted to write a book and follow in his footsteps. I obviously said yes, thinking that it would be very easy. That was not the case as you will see later on in the story. We collaborated on a topic that seemed fun, simple and educational at the same time. That is how my book, “What We Wish We Could Do At School” was born.

I soon realized how hard this would be when I sat in front of the computer and tried to write. It was easy at first because I got some straightforward ideas like “Talk” and “Eat” but then it got hard and I wanted to give up. My dad would not let me do that. So for a long time I was making new chapters, revising it and trying to get it published.

One day, my dad found out how to publish on Kindle and showed me too. It seemed like a great idea, but how would we format it? My dad had a solution for that too. Recently, Google released a software called SIGIL. It worked wonders for me and the book looks great.

We then had to go through the long process at Amazon.com to publish the book. First, we had to write in all the information about the book and upload the book. Then, we had to write the rights and figure out the pricing of the book. We thought that 3.99 was good and we went with that. The hardest part of it was waiting for it to get on Amazon. After waiting about 36 hours, it was finally online and live.

Thank You,

Click here to read more about the book!