Mini Saga #107 – The Other Side

The grass is always greener on the other side…

Typically, we compare everything that’s not working in our current situation with everything that works with the new situation. If you flip the switch and look at exactly the opposite even for a few minutes – our perspective may change.

Mini Saga #107 – The Other Side

Being Jim’s mentor, Ron knew Jim wanted Patrick’s job. Ron asked Jim to write three things he loved about his job. He also gave him a note where Patrick had written about three things he hated about his job. Jim read them both and said – “Actually, I love my job!”


1. A mini saga is a story told in exactly 50 words. Not 49 or 51 but exactly 50.

2. You can download a photographic manifesto of Mini Sagas at ChangeThis. Here is the link – Mini Sagas: Bite-sized Wisdom for Life and Business (PDF, 2.9MB).

3. For a complete list of Mini Sagas, please see the entire list here or at Squidoo.

4. Photo courtesy: Cuba Gallery on Flickr

5. Thanks to Ryan Allis for the prompt