What makes someone smile or laugh?
It is the punchline.
What is the #1 characteristic of a punchline?
It is something unexpected.
If everything was going on as “expected,” there wouldn’t be a punchline and there wouldn’t be a smile or laughter.
Viral videos are the same way. I have written about lessons from 9 viral videos and 3 second acts before. In this latest 2-minute viral video, flight attendants from Cebu Pacific Airlines (Philippines) perform a choreographed (Lady Gaga style) safety instructions demonstration.
What is expected during a safety instruction demonstration: Boring blah blah blah…
What is unexpected: Flight attendants dancing and singing to a super popular tune.
Please take a look below:
The other reports related to the video claim that it was all a setup by Cebu Pacific Airlines. Well, if it was, they were quite successful. Hats off to the marketing team over there.