Mini Saga Sightings – Thank you

Thanks to so many of you who sent me emails about my new manifesto on ChangeThis titled “Mini Sagas: Bite Sized Lessons for Life and Business” Here are some sightings for the manifesto in the blogosphere. Thanks to all these wonderful people who are helping to spread the message. It means a lot to me.

Note: A mini saga is a story told in exactly 50 words. Not 49 or 51 but exactly 50.

Here are the sightings (in no particular order)

Stephen (from New Zealand) at Storyboards picked up on the theme that constraints define the form

Matt Williams at Ramblings picked up on the theme that creativity loves contraints

David Zinger at Slacker Manager loved the mini sagas and started a new thread about Management Mini Sagas

TP Wire Service highlighted the story on August 7, 2008

Michelle at Juiced on Writing suggested how to use photos and mini sagas as prompts for writing.

Howard Mann recommended the manifesto on The Business Brickyard blog

Doug Johnson at The Blue Skunk Blog found this interesting and wrote a mini saga of his own.

Krishna De featured the manifesto on her Social Media Weekly Digest

Nissan Dookeran at Redditech Blog 2.0 talks about one of the mini sagas that made him think about his decision to change his job

Mike Kanazawa at Big Ideas to Big Results looks at constraints in a corporate strategy setting

Thanks to all of you!