Thank you all for welcoming our ambitious project Suggestica. Vijay and I have created a Squidoo lens that will slice the information by Trusted Authorities. Please take a look when you have a moment: Squidoo lens: Suggestica Once again, thank you for all the support! Please sign up for my newsletter here:
Date Archives → August 2006
Blogging and Beyond: Meet Guy Kawasaki, Chris Pirillo and Ramit Sethi – Aug 9, 2006
< Re-published for folks in Silicon Valley >Meet three superstars in the blogging world. I am excited about this event. For those of you who are attending, I look forward to meeting with you on that day. Thanks.====================================I will be moderating a panel on the above mentioned topic with some of the blogging rock stars… Continue reading
Ways to distinguish yourself #157 – Pay for ideas
One of your close friends comes up with an idea that has the possibility of making a big impact on your future – may be in terms of money, career or any other kind of success. You may take that idea and do something about it or you may decide to pass on it. Whatever… Continue reading
Unveiling Suggestica; Thanks to everyone who played a part!
The day has come. Finally. What started off as a simple idea took on a “larger than life” size over the last few months. Vijay and I are blessed to be surrounded by so many bright people that made it happen. A project of this magnitude cannot be brought to life without the involvement of… Continue reading
The Paradox of Experience
Here is the paradox. We are always chasing experience and want to get it and show people that we have GOT IT. However, we are really unconfortable with the experience of experience. Think about it. We want to try something new and gain experience. We try it. We fail – sometimes or many times. We… Continue reading
What could a meeting do – A brief story of Suggestica
Regular readers of this blog may be wondering whether I have become lazy as there are not many posts on the blog. I have not been lazy – in fact, I have been busy preparing for the launch of a new venture that I am involved with called Suggestica. A brief story of the genesis… Continue reading