I first heard this from Tony Robbins at a seminar. Paraphrasing him, “All learning is basically connecting the unknown to the known.” I have learnt a lot from that one statement and I have used it many times.
If you observe carefully, powerful communicators use analogies to make their points. Consider the following paragraphs
As you can see, both the paragraphs want to convey the same meaning but one uses an analogy and the other does not. Obviously, the one using an analogy will have a better impact than the plain and simple one. Setting goals is not an unknown or alien concept and it gets clearer with an analogy. Imagine taking a new concept and applying the same rule. It gets easier to communicate your point.
Next time when you need to communicate something, think about the audience and see what is already “known” to them. Once you know this, you can try and relate whatever new you have to communicate using what is “already known.”