Everyone of your major milestones is “because of” your efforts. Just stop there and think about that for a minute. I hope you don’t believe that because if you do, you are treading in a dangerous territory. Virtually any milestone achieved is the result of many factors that includes but not limited to: part you… Continue reading
Posts Tagged → luck
Mini Saga #106 – Destiny
Even if you think your book of destiny is already written, you can still edit it. Mini Saga #106 – Destiny Eight failures in a row. Jim was more than frustrated, “My destiny might have been set the day I was born,” he thought. One day, he got an email with the names of sixty… Continue reading
Ten “smart” cop-outs
In general, all of us mess-up more often than not. The simple thing to do when we mess-up would be to admit it and avoid further embarrassment. However, we are trained to avoid dealing with uncomfortable things so we come up with “smart” cop-outs. Here are ten of them (feel free to add more in… Continue reading
Mini Saga #56 – Quest
The wisdom lies in knowing what you can and what you cannot control. It can be frustrating if you mix up the two. Mini Saga #56 – Quest Luck. John knew it was important. He was ready to pay for it but nobody was willing to sell it. His quest over the last few years… Continue reading
9 Reasons Why Many Smart People Go Nowhere
You would have met many smart people who live a mediocre life. There are MANY of them. You might be surprised why this is the case. They have the brains to go somewhere, be someone and do remarkable things. When you talk to them, you will realize that even they want to go somewhere, be… Continue reading