Think about last week. You met with a lot of people personally and professionally. Only a handful of them “really connected” with you. Most others ( even those that impressed you ) did not bother to “connect” and you will probably wipe them out of your memory sooner than later. [ Note: On the flip… Continue reading
Posts Tagged → caring
Photo Courtesy: Selva on Flickr When was the last time you were touched and moved? Do you recall one such moment in the last few weeks? I am sure that it was not: * When you went to a grocery store and picked up something and the cashier gave a smile that he gives to… Continue reading
The best gift your customer can give you
What is the best gift your customer can give you? Hint: It’s not money. It is an act that shows that a customer REALLY cares about you. Recently Hari (president of Jiffle) and I experienced a gift from one of our customers and it touched our hearts. Please take a look at this site… Continue reading