Mini Saga #129 – Calmness They escaped a nasty accident as the drunk driver cut them off rudely. After shaking his head for a couple of seconds, Jack focused back on his driving. Susan asked, “How can you be so calm?” Jack smiled, “Golden rule – I stopped paying a price for the faults of strangers.”… Continue reading
Posts Tagged → calmness
The Invisible Power of Competence Plus Calmness
Think about someone who is competent AND calm. The combination immediately provides signs of confidence. They tell the world that they will have the current situation mostly covered – one way or the other. Calmness without competence won’t help much because it might just send a message that they are not serious about their life or… Continue reading
How to Stay Calm
Just to be more realistic, let’s slightly modify the topic to How to Stay Calm (Most of the Time) as I don’t think there is anyone in my audience who are on the path to becoming a saint 🙂 Let me set the expectations right too – there is no magic pill or magic formula… Continue reading