Here is an inspiring quote from Jack Ma: “I failed 3 times in college. I applied 30 times to get a job but I have always been rejected. When KFC came to China for the first time, we were 24 to apply and I was the only one to be dismissed. I wanted to go… Continue reading
You already know how to adapt…
The other day, this was forwarded to me by five people in five different groups I belong to. Please take a moment to read it. 7H15 M3554G3 53RV35 7O PR0V3 H0W 0UR M1ND5 C4N D0 4M4Z1NG 7H1NG5 1MPR3551V3 7H1NG5! 1N 7H3 B3G1NN1NG 17 WA5 H4RD BU7 N0W, 0N 7H15 LIN3 Y0UR… Continue reading
Beware of the positive thinking blind spot
I have nothing negative to say about positive thinking. But… Cross a limit on positive thinking and it will start showing its negative side. I picked three jokes to make a point on a lighter note: #1 Doctor: “Your Liver is enlarged.” Patient: “Does that mean it has space for more whiskey?” #2 Lady to… Continue reading
A small shift in narrative, a big shift on the impact
If we agree that words have power, it is only common sense to realize that the right choice of words has more power. There is no doubt that you and everyone around you are very aware of that. The question is: Will you take the time to work on the art of crafting a compelling… Continue reading
Take the I.V.O.R.Y Test
Some offers are so hot that they are picked up like hot cakes. You always wish that your offers belong to that category. Good offers pass the I.V.O.R.Y test: They are Intuitive to Understand Their Value is Unquestionable The Opportunity Cost is Minimal Their ROI is justifiable and Yesterday is When They Were Required Let us… Continue reading
The one secret to having enriching conversations
September 2008. I don’t remember the exact date, but I do know it happened in the month of September 2008. Little did I know that a passing conversation with my friend Timo Wadhavan of Heartwood Studios will unlock the secret to have enriching conversations at will. Timo shared a wise old saying – A tourist… Continue reading
Jeffrey Hayzlett on his new book – Think Big, Act Bigger
Jeffrey Hayzlett has been a friend also an advisor to our startup WittyParrot. His new book “Think Big, Act Bigger” is big and bold. Here is Jeffrey sharing some ideas from the book: It’s time for business leaders to empower themselves and tie their visions to actions,advance themselves past competitors and closer to their business… Continue reading
Five simple ideas to fix “gratitude gaps”
Taking someone for granted is easy. We become experts at home. In our circle of love. We start by taking small things for granted. Then, we move on to taking bigger things for granted. Soon, taking for granted becomes our second nature. Once that happens, we become blind to the fact that we are taking… Continue reading
The Graceful Slap
A few weeks ago, I got a call from a friend from the other part of the country. I was supposed to send her something a week ago and totally forgot about it. I realized that right when I started talking to her. She was extremely graceful in conveying about the delay and she said,… Continue reading
The four flavors of seeking feedback
They say “feedback is the breakfast of champions.” It’s true. Only if it is done with the right spirit. Here are the four flavors of seeking feedback. 1. To judge This is probably the feedback approach that has seriously questionable intent. Here you are really not looking for feedback. Instead, you are looking to judge… Continue reading