I recently had a conversation with the awesome Kathy Klotz-Guest about her new book “Stop Boring Me.” Kathy talks about her book, the power of storytelling, creativity and how it can help market their offerings better. Here are some highlights from the interview Here is the complete interview If you like the interview, please support… Continue reading
Post Category → Work
A little more, a little less…
How do you make progress? There is no one good answer for this. Here is an approach to consider during this time when many of you are crafting and refining your new year resolutions. At the heart of the approach, there are only two things to keep in mind. 1. A little more 2. A… Continue reading
Interview with Mitchell Levy on AHAThat!
I sat down with Mitchell Levy, http://AHAthat.com, for a Q&A session about thought leadership and rationale behind his current Kickstarter campaign. Q: You have been helping individuals and companies share their thought leadership for as long as I’ve known you (over a decade). What do you see as the next stage for thought leadership? A:… Continue reading
A mentor is a transformation catalyst…
I like to keep things simple. So, every now and then, I take a topic and feed to my “Simplification Engine” and see what comes out as output. This time, the topic I chose was mentoring. I have had mentors for more than two decades. I am so blessed for every gift that my mentors… Continue reading
Highlights from the conversation between Joe Polish and Sean Stephenson
I am a big fan of I Love Marketing podcast from Joe Polish and Dean Jackson. I have probably listened to more than 90% of the episodes. This particular episode where Joe Polish interviews the awesome Sean Stephenson is a gem. The conversation is filled with nuggets of widsom on topics such as speaking from… Continue reading
7 Beliefs That are Shaping my Life – Opher Brayer Edition
My friend and mentor Opher Brayer took the challenge to reflect on 7 core beliefs that are shaping his life today. Here is one of them: In relationships 20% should have a common denominator. 80% is the inspiration you bring to each other The entire collection of 7 beliefs is available to view and share… Continue reading
Notes and takeaways from a few of Jack Ma’s speeches
Beware of the positive thinking blind spot
I have nothing negative to say about positive thinking. But… Cross a limit on positive thinking and it will start showing its negative side. I picked three jokes to make a point on a lighter note: #1 Doctor: “Your Liver is enlarged.” Patient: “Does that mean it has space for more whiskey?” #2 Lady to… Continue reading
Five simple ideas to fix “gratitude gaps”
Taking someone for granted is easy. We become experts at home. In our circle of love. We start by taking small things for granted. Then, we move on to taking bigger things for granted. Soon, taking for granted becomes our second nature. Once that happens, we become blind to the fact that we are taking… Continue reading
The Graceful Slap
A few weeks ago, I got a call from a friend from the other part of the country. I was supposed to send her something a week ago and totally forgot about it. I realized that right when I started talking to her. She was extremely graceful in conveying about the delay and she said,… Continue reading