How long do you think it will take for 22 people to introduce themselves? How about just over 2 days? This was (almost) what happened at the CEREBRATE2010 event late last month (detailed write-up on Cerebrate blog here) CEREBRATE is the brain child of Kiruba Shankar and it follows an Unconference format. I was so… Continue reading
Post Category → General
Don't want to miss a meal in the airplane?
If you can’t sleep on a long plane ride, you have a problem – it can get boring. If you can sleep very well on a long plane ride, you have another problem – like missing your meals. I belong to the second category. So, when I don’t want to miss a meal or tea,… Continue reading
Ways to Distinguish Yourself #209 – Increase granularity of your portable skills
Request: Please bear with me on the complex looking title for this blog post. That is the closest I could get to explain what I want to explain. Any job you take, there are two kinds of skills that you will work with 1. Core Skills – that help you with your core job. If… Continue reading
A single puzzle piece…
Photo Courtesy: AceFrenzy on Flickr You may have very little use of a single puzzle piece. I can’t argue with that. But let’s explore that a little further… Being likable alone may not be an asset but not being likable may be a liability Having long term relationships alone may not be an asset but… Continue reading
Why some people work hard but don't get appreciated enough for that work?
Note: This is part of an ongoing mini-research (less than six weeks each) on topics that catch my attention. At the end of this post, you will find links to outcomes of the other two (previous) mini-research projects. Over the years I have heard many young people complaining (in various flavors) that they work hard… Continue reading
Unseen AND Important
A few days ago I spent a day in Dubai. I was fascinated by many things there – especially the Palms – a township that was entirely constructed on reclaimed land inside the sea (almost a few kilometers from the shore) On our way back, we stopped at the Marina and again, the skyline there… Continue reading
One Hundred Percent
This was in 1986. I was one of the 400,000+ students who had just finished writing the first major board exam. We all had to wait for a few weeks before the results were announced. When the results were finally announced, I was delighted to find that I came in at the 20th position for… Continue reading
Making it Memorable (in a geeky way)
There is a reason they say – “A picture is worth a thousand words.” First, thanks to Amit Agarwal for sharing this very cute pic. Also thanks to Albara Alohali who originally shared it on Facebook. There is a lot to learn from the kids who created this picture. For one, they could have just… Continue reading
Call in the Next Ten Minutes…
You’ve probably seen those thirty-minute, late-night television infomercials that tell you a story about a product in all its glory. After about twenty minutes into the commercial, you have been repeatedly told that your life is incomplete without this latest gizmo. You’ve heard others enthusiastically state how the item changed their lives and brought them… Continue reading
Photo Courtesy: Tsja! on Flickr You drink water when you are thirsty. But the doctors say that you need to drink at least eight glasses of water everyday to stay healthy. Most people ignore the advice and stick to drinking water only when they are thirsty. While they can ignore the advice they can’t avoid… Continue reading