Most people confuse their wishes and fantasies to be burning desires. In simple terms, a wish is something that you want and you have no interest in paying the price to get it. Similarly, a burning desire is something that you want but you are willing to go the length to get it. In both… Continue reading
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The Price of Not Thanking Enough
You are busy like everyone else and you forgot to thank someone for a favor received. You make a mental note that you need to thank that person when your time frees up a time. But as everyone else you get busy with your projects and soon one of the two things will happen –… Continue reading
What IF you realized that you are a spammer…
I have not found someone who loves spam. The feeling everywhere is that spam is bad. In fact, most people detest spam and people who engage in spamming. So I am sure you are not engaged in spamming people. You are sure? Well, are you really sure? May be in the way you look at… Continue reading
The Power of Storytelling – Neal Baer of Law and Order SVU
Kavitha and I had an opportunity to listen to Neal Baer ( Producer of Law & Order SVU) at IDEO recently. You may already know this but every week 58 million people watch one or the other episodes of Law and Order SVU. Nael talked about many things but the highlight of the talk was… Continue reading
The daily 2-minute progress checklist
To-do lists are great for increasing efficiency but you may need other tools for increasing effectiveness. So if you had to take ONLY 2 minutes to check YOUR progress for the day, how would you spend that? Think about two questions: 1. Did you ensure that your contribution was higher than the consumption today? 2…. Continue reading
The 9 components of connecting well
Every human being is different and connecting with another human being will require some investment of time, energy, mindshare and of course, there is an opportunity cost always – you could be doing something else right. Here are the nine components to consider: 1. Character: Connecting or not, a strong character forms the foundation on… Continue reading
One stumbling block to get started (seriously) on your project
What is that stumbling block that prevents you from getting started on your pet project (seriously)? When I say seriously, I mean you put something of value at stake – typically money. The other soft items that you may not notice are something like time, energy, mindshare and opportunity cost for engaging with this project…. Continue reading
The ONE thing to do before you make your case
Here is the answer for those of you who are in a hurry: In short, you need to first build a case to make a case. You need to raise awareness to the related issue or opportunity so that someone is open to you making a case on a topic. Now a longer explanation. I… Continue reading
The Case for Listening
Have you faced a situation where you had gone to a meeting to share something but by the end of the meeting all you did was to listen to the other person talk about their work and never bothered to listen to what you had to say? If you have experienced it, I am sure… Continue reading
Why MOST smart people are better at solving other people’s problems…
And, not their own problems. I am sure you have seen them and may be you are one of them. Smart people who can solve other people’s problems very easily but they can’t solve their own problems. As my friend Stuart Scott would say, most people have brilliant “outsight” and all they lack is some… Continue reading