Three days after our marriage, Kavitha and I moved to Mumbai. We lived there for about 100 days and then we moved on to Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia (Damansara Jaya in Petaling Jaya to be very precise) This was eighteen years ago and I still remember those days and how it shaped the rest of… Continue reading
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It starts with the (right) intent
Intent is the state of one’s mind at the time one carries out an action. The power of the right intent is often underestimated because what you see are actions and what you can rarely see is intent. However, common sense shows us that intent influences actions and competent people can notice actions to get… Continue reading
Dr. Liz Alexander on Thought Leadership
Thought Leadership is one of my favorite topics. You don’t become a thought leader in a day or a week or in a month. It takes years of investment but when you look at the platform it will provide for you to make a bigger contribution to the world, it makes it all worth it…. Continue reading
Mini Saga #120 – Beauty
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder… Mini Saga #120 – Beauty Rick was surprised at Peter’s decision. The class photograph clearly showed that Jenny was way more beautiful than Samantha. “Both of them loved you. Why Samantha, Peter?” Rick asked. “Difference,” Peter smiled,”Jenny needs a really good reason to smile and Samantha will… Continue reading
When extraordinary is the default
Extraordinary is just that – something positively outside of the ordinary. Something that will standout in a sea of mediocrity. What appears as extra-ordinary to others might be something that happens by default to the achiever, especially if it is setup that way. Over the years, I have followed one rule when people ask for… Continue reading
Pain on Sale. Anyone?
Pain is everywhere. If that depresses you, just know that joy is everywhere too. The problem? Our tolerance level for pain is reasonably low. And, our bar to recognize joy is way higher than it should be. It’s a double-loss really. We can see pain from a mile away but we can’t see joy even… Continue reading
A Refresher on 7 Laws and Theories Worth Remembering
You would have heard of these laws and theories from someone sometime. So, this is going to be a quick refresher 1. Pareto’s Law (also known as the 80/20 rule): The 80/20 Rule means that in anything a few (20 percent) are vital and many(80 percent) are trivial. In 1906, Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto created… Continue reading
The invisible power of the mindset
Mindset, in simple terms is the attitude with which you will interpret and respond to situations. It is your “default” way of acting and of reading and responding to what happens to you. It starts with your posture of whether you think you belong to the camp of those “who give help” (WGH) or those… Continue reading
The Business Case for Being Authentic
Dr. Harry Frankfurt has written a wonderful book on Truth which is apt titled “On Truth.” Frankfurt makes a compelling case for truth – not on moral grounds but using pure business logic. His argument in simple terms is that there is a huge cost to lying and that is to remember all the details… Continue reading
Distinguish Yourself #216 – Understand the power of stereotypes
A few days ago, I was in Austin for a business trip. I took a cab from the airport to the Driskill hotel in downtown Austin. It was a cold night anti must have rained the previous day. There was some traffic back to the city so it was a longer ride than normal. The… Continue reading