Being Congruent?

Congruent in the broadest sense refers to agreement. Agreement that things are consistent. Being congruent is way harder than what it seems. These are three photographs from an airline. No smoking in the Lavatory (not that it’s allowed in the cabin, BTW) No Cigarette Disposal (just in case you decide to break the rule) Ash… Continue reading

Belief vs Reality

Your belief about your ability on something will rarely match with reality of what your actual ability is. Generally the belief is always better than the reality which should be the case so that you can strive to grow and match to your abilities to be in sync with your beliefs. It’s going to be… Continue reading

Ambassadors of Care – Interview with Paul D’Souza

Recently, my friend Paul talked passionately about his fundraising efforts for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS). Not only was it a meaningful cause, the approach he took for fundraising was interesting. In this quick Q&A, Paul talks about his innovative fundraising approach for Leukemia and Lymphoma Society called Ambassador of Care. Here we go… RS: Paul,… Continue reading