I read between 50-80 books every year. Add another 100 books that I start reading but won’t complete reading it – just because the book runs out of steam by the time I reach the middle of the book. Rarely does a book come across that I want to read, re-read and re-read again. Rarely does a book comes across that is simple and profound. Rarely does a book come across that will remind me of the Niagara Factor.
I met with Dr. Posner recently and heard that their (Jim and Barry) new book was out and I had no option but to rush to the bookstore right after that meeting. I think I DID a good thing by doing that. The book is called “A Leader’s Legacy” and it is a fascinating read.
I won’t reveal much from the book but if the following snippets peek your interest, then you know what is in store
[from Leaders serve and sacrifice]
2. Our teachers continue to teach us as we go on to tell their stories
[from The Best Leaders Are Teachers]
3. The question for each of us, then, is not Do I matter? but How do I matter?
[from You Are The Most Important Leader In Your Organization]
4. There are very few things in life that we can claim to have accomplished without the help of others. In leadership, nothing that we achieve is singular. Nothing.
[from No One Likes To Be An Assumption]
You know I can go on and on. I am sure this will be on my desk for some time to come. If you are a leader or want to be one, don’t miss this one.