Mini Saga #109 – Practice

If it is your passion, it is never too late to start on it!

Cindy Chang’s singing and story on America’s Got Talent was inspiring beyond belief. It also matched with Eric Handler’s prompt at #Trust30. So, this mini saga was inspired by both of them.

Mini Saga #109 – Practice

Cindy was 42 and this was her first time on the big stage. She mesmerized everyone and got a standing ovation for her operatic singing. “She has a God given talent,” people said. Cindy smiled and thought, “That’s not what I heard when I began my voice training at 26.”


1. A mini saga is a story told in exactly 50 words. Not 49 or 51 but exactly 50.

2. You can download a photographic manifesto of Mini Sagas at ChangeThis. Here is the link – Mini Sagas: Bite-sized Wisdom for Life and Business (PDF, 2.9MB).

3. For a complete list of Mini Sagas, please see the entire list here or at Squidoo.

4. Thanks to Eric Handler for the prompt