I watched the video of Steve Jobs keynote at MacWorld. Steve announced the new remarkable innovation from Apple – iPhone. It was fantastic. For the first time in my life, I felt like switching from Verizon to Cingular (iPhone will be available only with Cingular service)
I urge that everyone of you take the time (about 90 minutes) to watch the video whether you are interested in iPhone or not.
The video is available at the Apple website.
Here is what was fascinating:
* 200 patents have been applied for technologies used
* Apple partnered with Yahoo! for delivering IMAP “push” emails
* Apple partnered with Google for Google Maps and a host of other services
* Apple partnered with Cingular for developing Visual Voicemail – you can search and listen to the voicemail you want to listen to.
* There is no pointing device. Your fingers are the pointing device. They are introducing a technology called Multi-touch.
* iPod, Phone and Internet communication device – fully integrated
* Foundation software – OS X – the power of Unix on a mobile phone.
* Conference calls on cell phone in a snap
* In a sign of where the company is moving, last but not the last, Steve mentioned that Apple Computer Inc will be renamed to Apple Inc.
I can go on but you have to watch the full keynote after fastening your seat belts.
Not only will you be amazed by the technological revolution, the keynote itself has several lessons for young entrepreneurs.
Here are some:
* Breakthrough innovations take time, energy, effort and innovation
* There is hard work involved – 2 years
* Alone you can’t do much. Together, you can create miracles. Partnerships with Google, Yahoo and Cingular were developed over years and are being leveraged now.
* Steve thanked the whole team in the end and what was touching was that he thanked the families of all the team members for their support. That was nice.
Watch the video whether you like Apple or not. It will be worth your time.