Quought for the Day #32 – Bruce Marcus

Bruce W. Marcus is a consultant and strategic market planner to law, accounting, consulting and other professional services firms. He is the editor of the award-winning The Marcus Letter on Professional Services Marketing, read internationally by more than 20,000 lawyers, accountants, and the marketers who serve them.

He is a partner and Of Counsel to The Bay Street Group LLC, a leading think tank and consulting group serving the professions as strategic business development advisors. A pioneer in professional services marketing he has served a diversified clientele that includes most of the Big Four accounting firms and their predecessors, and many major law firms, as well as smaller and solo practices.

My $.02: Replace “marketer” with your profession and the question still remains the same

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Here’s Bruce’s Quought for the Day

When all marketers may be assumed to have access to the same skills and knowledge, and often the same experience, how can we compete successfully?

Note from Bruce accompanying the Quought:
Experience refines and sharpens our skills, sometimes to the degree that enhances competitive advantage. But the willingness to seek new and imaginative solutions to both old and new problems enhances our ability to add value to our services. Here is where competitive advantage lies.

Related Links:
1. Blog: The Marcus Perspective
2. Newsletter: The Marcus Letter

Quought = Question that provokes thought. Questions are important. Thinking is important. Questions that make you think are very important!

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