When someone that you like is not close to you, you work so hard to get close to them. You get close to them and things are going fine. After some time they disappear from your life. Not literally. You just start taking them for granted. Don’t believe this? Here are some questions to ask yourself:
* When was the last time you truly appreciated your spouse?
* When was the last time you told your children that they are the best things to happen to you?
* When was the last time you contacted your favorite teacher from school/college?
* When was the last time you talked to your old boss (the one you shaped your career)?
* When was the last time you told someone at work that they made your day?
Unfortunately many of us make the same mistake – take people that are close to us for granted. They are already close why give them more attention? We go after things that we don’t have.
Wanting what we have is common sense (may be that’s why it’s so uncommon.) Eternally going after something that we don’t have at the cost of losing what we have is blindspot. Hopefully God Will give us the wisdom to know the difference between the two – today and everyday.
One final question: