I have followed Pamela’s work over the years and earlier this year, I had a chance to meet with her briefly. It was in Boston and Pamela had just heading back to the hotel after dinner with some super smart clients of hers. She must have been super tired with everything in the day. However, the moment we started a conversation, Pamela came fully alive and engaged with me as if we have personally known each other for more than a decade. It was not pretense but a genuine interest in what I was up to and if and how she could help. The warmth was unbelievable.
Since we had talked briefly about the “Body of Work,” I was eagerly looking forward to reading it. A few weeks ago, the book arrived on a Saturday. I started reading and it is one of those “un-put-downable” books so I finished reading the entire book by 11PM on the same day.
While the book is a super easy read, the magic is not in just reading but actually digging deeper, questioning, reflecting and actually doing the exercises that Pamela has thoughtfully designed.
I have taken tiny bits and pieces from the FIRST key chapter of the book to give you a sneak preview of the brilliance of the book
That chapter is called “Define Your Roots”
Your roots are the purpose, beliefs, and convictions that provide the foundation for your body of work.
A few questions Pamela asks at the outset:
1. Why are you doing whatever you are doing?
2. What will happen if you succeed?
3. Will it be worth it even if you fail?
4. Why does it matter?
5. What will you regret not doing?
6. What will you rejoice leaving as a legacy at the end of your life?
Next, Pamela wants you to identify your roots.
How do you that?
Pamela suggests that you reflect on the following six primary questions:
1. What do you value?
Your values describe what is most important to you. They help you guide you to make decisions and set boundaries around what you will accept in your life and your career.
2. What do you believe?
Your beliefs are unique to you and form the foundation for how you interpret and act in the world.
3. Why do you believe it?
Since nobody is “born” with a set of beliefs, it must be circumstances and experiences that must have shaped those beliefs. It is good to reflect on the source of those beliefs.
4. Whom do you care deeply about serving?
Of all the people who you could impact during your time on earth, whom do you want to work with? Which type of person “gets” you and needs what you have to offer?
5. Which problems do you want to solve?
Which challenges get you really fired up? What impact do you want to have in the world? What specific knowledge you have that you think can make a difference in the world?
6. What drives you to act?
Most of us have long to-do lists. Very few of us can check off every item at the end of the day. What motivated you to accomplish great things in the past? What motivated you to finish? Pay special attention to thoughts, conditions, or techniques that caused you to take action.
I will be re-reading the book again in the next few weeks because it is just that good.
The release date for “Body of Work” is December 31 and I can confidently say that it will be one of the “game changing” books you will read in 2014.