Thank you; It's been a year!!

Today is Valentine’s day – so it’s special. It’s also special for me
for another reason – last year on the same day, I started writing this
blog. Yes, It’s been a year and the journey has been very rewarding.

First, I want to thank all the readers of my blog for your encouraging emails and support.

an entrepreneur, I can see the similarities between starting a blog and
starting a company. In both cases, the journey is exciting, enriching
and rewarding. You don’t have all the answers when you start either one
of them but during the journey you will figure out a ton of stuff. In
both cases, you can’t do it alone. So second, I want to thank all of you
who helped me figure out stuff that I would have never been able to
figure out myself. Some of what I figured out has been put under the
squidoo lens Blogging Starter Checklist.

have written about 363 articles over the last year on this blog. The
most popular ones are categorized under the series “Distinguish
Yourself.” I have also created a lens on Squidoo by the same name – Distinguish yourself for your quick reference.

Once again, a BIG THANK YOU to all of you!