25 More ways to distinguish yourself – ChangeThis Manifesto Proposal

The need for distinguishing oneself has never been greater. The time
has come for all of us to be “special” to survive in this fast changing
world. After the overwhelming response received for my first manifesto
titled “25 Ways to Distinguish Yourself“, I continued to research and
write about more ways for distinguishing oneself. The objective of this
manifesto is to provide more ideas and insights for people who are
willing to invest in their time and energy to become “special” and
stand out from the crowd. You can follow the blog at
http://mind.wpengine.com/DistinguishYourself to get a sneak
preview of what’s coming up in the manifesto. My inspiration for
writing this series is from Tom Peters (Brand You) and Seth Godin
(Purple Cow). Special thanks to both of them.

Please take a look at the manifesto here and if you like it, please
vote for me to motivate me to complete writing the manifesto.