And, not their own problems. I am sure you have seen them and may be you are one of them. Smart people who can solve other people’s problems very easily but they can’t solve their own problems. As my friend Stuart Scott would say, most people have brilliant “outsight” and all they lack is some… Continue reading
Posts Tagged → smart people
7 Reasons Why Some Smart People Criticize Others
You would have seen or met people who are smart and extremely critical. They are sometimes a pain to be around when it comes to discussing some ideas with them. The moment you share an idea or opinion, they jump to find the holes in it and literally rip it apart. In most cases they… Continue reading
7 reasons Why MANY smart people have trouble communicating their ideas
All smart people are brilliant – in their heads. MANY have a problem communicating that brilliance to others. Whether they are pitching something to their boss, getting a buy-in from their co-workers or making a case for their product or service with their prospects, they lose the listeners half-way and frustrate themselves. One explanation will… Continue reading
Why MANY smart people take shortcuts and how you can avoid that trap
Shortcut (def): shorter alternative route If the right shortcuts are taken, it’s a good thing. For example, you are driving home everyday on a particular route. One day, your friend tells you about a shorter alternative route. If you take that route, you might save time AND money. Using a shortcut of this nature is… Continue reading
9 Reasons Why Many Smart People Go Nowhere
You would have met many smart people who live a mediocre life. There are MANY of them. You might be surprised why this is the case. They have the brains to go somewhere, be someone and do remarkable things. When you talk to them, you will realize that even they want to go somewhere, be… Continue reading
Why many smart people are taken for granted?
Think about it: Why MANY smart people are taken for granted? Short answer: Because they let them be. [Please also note that the question was not why SOME smart people are taken for granted] But let us first understand what taking for granted means. Taking for granted means many things to many people and it… Continue reading
Why some smart people don't help other people?
Most smart people are capable of helping other people. Some of them do and some of them don’t. People are happy with those people that help and people resent those that don’t help. I have had many people share their frustration from people who have not gotten a response to their request for someone smart…. Continue reading
Why some smart people don't take action?
Why some smart people don’t take action? I mean “action” that will lift them to a whole new level in life and in business. This is a question that has haunted me for a while. I meet so many smart people during my travels and speaking engagements. when I hear what these people are involved… Continue reading
Why some smart people are reluctant to share?
I am sure you have seen many smart people around you who are reluctant to share what they know. I have seen many of them up close. You might think the reasons for this may be: they don’t have time they are selfish they don’t care they don’t have an incentive to do it I… Continue reading