You may have experienced this (or might have seen someone go through this situation) – you are on to something big and need a LOT of help but even people who have known you for a while are not actively supporting you in your quest. They seem to listen to everything and say encouraging words… Continue reading
Posts Tagged → smart people
Why some smart people become oblivious to their stupid actions
Have you seen some people do stupid things? More importantly, have you seen some smart people do stupid things AND are completely oblivious to that fact? If you are curious to know why this happens, please read the outcome of my mini-research project on this topic. [ Note: Replace “You” with any smart person in… Continue reading
7 Reasons Why Paying More May be a Good Strategy
Who would not want to get the most for nothing? Almost all. Is it practical? Probably not. Why would anyone want to pay more as a strategy? Actually, you might want to consider that in some cases depending on the nature of the project. Here are seven reasons: 1. When you want mindshare of the… Continue reading
Why SOME Smart People Fall Hard From the Top?
Why do smart people fall from the top? You can simply brush this off by attributing the cause to statistics. But the topic is worth exploring a bit more. Here is what I have on this based on a series of interviews, reflection and thinking. There are many reasons smart people fall hard from the… Continue reading
An act of highest contribution
A common and guaranteed problem in the life of many smart people is “lack of time.” However, it is hard to believe that assertion when we think about the following (not the entire list, of course) Recent movie “Hunger Games” grossed $68 million on the opening weekend. Somebody had to be watching that movie. The… Continue reading
The Personal Big Bubble
No, I am not talking about the economical or startup bubble. I am referring to a personal big bubble that people will experience ( but may not be aware of ) after they see some level of success. A personal big bubble, like many other bubbles is difficult to see because it does not manifest… Continue reading
Blind spots that smart people should be aware of
Blind spots are a problem for everyone – not just for smart people. Sometimes one can’t see the blind spots and sometimes one suffers because they are treading the blind spot of someone else. While everyone pays a price for missing a blind spot, I think smart people pay a bigger price because they refuse… Continue reading
Why MANY smart people are not social?
You and I both have met enough smart people who are not social. And while social has many meanings, what I am referring to is social at the fundamental level – to invest ongoing time and energy in conversations with people that fall under a broad spectrum of relationships (from strangers to close friends.) Social… Continue reading
Why MANY smart people don’t do anything with good advice?
There are some smart people who think they know everything and they are not even looking for any advice. We are not talking about them. Then there are a vast majority of smart people who are open to good advice but they don’t do anything with it. You may know someone who fits the bill… Continue reading
Why many smart people come across as selfish
You have seen many smart people and after one conversation with them you get a feeling that they seem too selfish. The conversation was all about them and what they are working on and how they are going to do what they are going to do. Sometimes, you felt odd to even continue the conversation. It… Continue reading